Addax - Record Extensions
A simple example of a custom record handler that interprets a record as a tuple with point coordinates:
internal class PointHandler : TabularHandler<(double, double)>
public override TabularRecord<(double, double)> Read(TabularReader reader)
reader.TryGetDouble(out var item0);
reader.TryGetDouble(out var item1);
return new((item0, item1));
public override void Write(TabularWriter writer, (double, double) record)
The primary approach is to specify the record handler for reader or writer explicitly:
var handler = new PointHandler();
var dialect = new TabularDialect("\r\n", ',', '\"');
using (var writer = new TabularWriter<(double, double)>(File.Create("points.csv"), dialect, handler: handler))
writer.WriteRecord((50.4501, 30.5234));
writer.WriteRecord((45.4215, 75.6972));
using (var reader = new TabularReader<(double, double)>(File.OpenRead("points.csv"), dialect, handler: handler))
while (reader.TryReadRecord())
var (lat, lon) = reader.CurrentRecord;
Console.WriteLine($"{lat} N, {lon} W");
Additonally, it can be added to the TabularRegistry.Handlers collection with generated record handlers:
TabularRegistry.Handlers[typeof((double, double))] = new PointHandler();
var dialect = new TabularDialect("\r\n", ',', '\"');
using (var writer = new TabularWriter<(double, double)>(File.Create("points.csv"), dialect))
writer.WriteRecord((50.4501, 30.5234));
writer.WriteRecord((45.4215, 75.6972));
using (var reader = new TabularReader<(double, double)>(File.OpenRead("points.csv"), dialect))
while (reader.TryReadRecord())
var (lat, lon) = reader.CurrentRecord;
Console.WriteLine($"{lat} N, {lon} W");